Accueil - Telops - Innovative Infrared Imaging

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La toute nouvelle Hyper-Cam xLW
Caméras HD et Super HD
Calibrées jusqu'à 2 500 °C
Caméras IR pour de hautes températures
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Dernière nouvelle

La nouvelle caméra HDR M700 est arrivée!

Telops est fier d’annoncer le lancement du la nouvelle HDR M700, une révolution dans l’offre commerciale des systèmes d’imagerie thermique.

Récompenses récentes

Exportateur de l'année & Leader à l’export régions urbaines

Telops a reçu le prix de l’exportateur de l’année et le prix du leader de l’exportation dans les régions urbaines pour s’être distingué sur les marchés internationaux.

Webinaire passé
Telops’ high-speed broadband and multispectral infrared cameras are well suited for imaging explosive and dynamic thermal runaway phenomena exhibited by rechargeable lithium-ion batteries subject to catastrophic abuse related failure. Field Application Engineers Mark Norman, Antoine Dumont, and Joe Carrock are proud to present newly acquired battery research measurements, captured in coordination with Mass Fire Safety, The New Bedford Massachusetts Fire Department, The Hazmat Guys Podcast, and researchers at Polytechnique Montreal.

Rejoignez Joseph Carrock, Scientifique d'applications chez Telops pour ce prochain webinaire.
Cliquez ici pour vous enregistrer!
Webinaire passé
When pulled uniaxially to failure, metallic specimens undergo two periods of reversible elastic stress. The first occurs during the initial elastic portion of the stress-strain curve prior to the on-set of plastic deformation. The second occurs at the moment of fracture, as the strain applied to the specimen is rapidly and elastically released. Assuming near isentropic conditions, the effect is thermos-elastic cooling or heating depending on the sign of the stress. To identify and document this effect, tensile strength tests were performed and imaged by a highly sensitive Telops broadband infrared camera. Join us for a first look at these newly acquired measurements collected in collaboration with the University of Rochester’s Materials Science Program and Mechanical Engineering Department.

Rejoignez Joseph Carrock, Scientifique d'applications chez Telops pour ce prochain webinaire.
Cliquez ici pour vous enregistrer!